Species 2000 project - Oligochaetes.
Barrie Jamieson
bjamieson at zoology.uq.edu.au
Sat Jul 24 03:48:44 EST 1999
Dear annelidians,
and Vasily Radashevsky in particular,
I am in the process of completing a taxonomic monograph of the earthworms
of Australia (Megascolecidae) with some 470 species. Is this of interest to
the 2000 project?
(I am following Geoff Read's suggestion that we talk to the entire bulletin
board and not merely to individuals - I hope those with no interest in
oligochaetes will forgive me for burdening them).
Barrie Jamieson
Professor B.G.M. Jamieson
Zoology Department
University of Queensland
Brisbane 4072
Phone: +61 7 3365 2683
Fax: +61 7 3365 1655
email BJamieson at zoology.uq.edu.au
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