Species 2000

Geoff Read g.read at niwa.cri.nz
Tue Jul 27 21:11:38 EST 1999

Vasily Radashevsky:
> Having just one species list with up-to-date names and all sorts of linked 
> information probably seems to be idyllic but not so bad idea!

I'd be rather surprised if Vasily is unaware there is such a project 
underway for many years. It's widely known (it was for instance the subject 
of a poster at the 1992 conference).  It's up to the workers concerned 
whether they wish to comment at this moment.

Regardless of how that's progressing, and regardless of whatever regional 
lists appear (or have appeared) for Species 2000 and many other 
purposes,  there is nothing to stop other specialists from planning to 
release to the public their own activities in databasing particular families 
worldwide - if they have the time, money, inclination, and the altruism,  
especially the altruism.   

  Geoff Read <g.read at niwa.cri.nz>

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