Bobbit Worm

Geoff Read g.read at niwa.cri.nz
Wed Jul 28 18:39:19 EST 1999

K. Fauchald:
> The illustrations of the worms sitting upright with the jaws cocked 
> come both from the Philippines and from the Virgin Islands, perhaps not 
> the same species, but certainly very similar.  I have seen them out only at 
> dusk. 

There is apparently a photo captioned the 'unimaginable Bobbit worm' in 
the book 'Coral Seas'  1998, by Roger Steene, if anyone has it. As if 'Jaws' 
was not enough, presumably another deterrent to evening nude swims in 
those waters :^).

More prosaically Gambi et al. has a report on the Italian bait fishery for Eunice 
aphroditois - rather intriguingly "collected with a special long, thin stick 
from a boat." 

Gambi, M. C., A. Castelli, A. Giangrande, P. Lanera, D. Prevedelli, & R. Z. 
Vandini. 1994. Polychaetes of commercial and applied interest in Italy: an 
overview.— Memoires du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 162:593-

  Geoff Read <g.read at niwa.cri.nz>

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