Collections online

Andrew.Mackie at nmgw.ac.uk Andrew.Mackie at nmgw.ac.uk
Thu Jul 29 05:08:58 EST 1999

As of July 15 we have made some of our collections available on the net. 
This is initially a trial to see how it works and what users think about it. 
Comments welcome!  

The files currently available are Annelida (about 13,200 lots; mostly 
polychaetes), Mollusca (about 51,000 lots) and Vertebrata (about 16,500 
lots). These are not all our holdings. Those available are only those that 
are item documented (fully museum registered) and transferred on to our 
computer database files.  

We will be looking at the access again in September and adjusting it as 
appropriate. Additional entries will be added at regular intervals as and 
when we get them entered on file.  

At present, I know that the Type (all) field is not working for some reason. 
This is probably something simple as the 'prerelease' version worked OK. 
In the 'full' results, the Family doesn't show, but you can search on 
Family without problems. Also, the Updated name fields are not showing 
up, but this is simply because I haven't filled them all in yet!  

When the Update fields are operational, please bear in mind that this will 
simply be an electronic conversion and will not imply verification of the 

Anyway, these little problems aside, I'd appreciate comments. The fields 
available on the net are not all that we have in our full databases so, if 
required, we could make others accessible.  

The temporary address is


Dr Andrew S.Y. Mackie
Head of Marine Biodiversity Section
Department of Biodiversity
 and Systematic Biology (BioSyB)
National Museum of Wales
Cathays Park
Cardiff CF10 3NP

Tel: int +44 (0)1222 573 311
Fax: int +44 (0)1222 239 009
E-mail: Andrew.Mackie at nmgw.ac.uk

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