Bobbit Worm

jason jwil4024 at postoffice.uri.edu
Thu Jul 29 17:04:37 EST 1999

>There is apparently a photo captioned the 'unimaginable Bobbit worm' in
>the book 'Coral Seas'  1998, by Roger Steene, if anyone has it.

On page 18 in the January edition of National Geographic there is a
interesting picture of a Eunice species with jaws wide open. In the article
it is written that the worm is "The size of a small carrot, it emerges from
the sand and spreads jaws that look like miniature ice tongs, used for
capturing small fish."

The reference is below.

Doubilet, D. 1999. Coral eden. National Geographic. 195: 2-29.

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