Collections online

Andrew.Mackie at nmgw.ac.uk Andrew.Mackie at nmgw.ac.uk
Thu Jul 29 17:04:37 EST 1999

For those wanting to search nmgw sites for specific genera (e.g., Nereis, 
but do not wish all the Perinereis, Platynereis etc), simply precede request 
with equals sign (e.g., =Nereis).  

Dr Andrew S.Y. Mackie
Head of Marine Biodiversity Section
Department of Biodiversity
 and Systematic Biology (BioSyB)
National Museum of Wales
Cathays Park
Cardiff CF10 3NP

Tel: int +44 (0)1222 573 311
Fax: int +44 (0)1222 239 009
E-mail: Andrew.Mackie at nmgw.ac.uk

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