Frank Licher reprints

Geoff Read g.read at niwa.cri.nz
Thu Jun 10 21:13:55 EST 1999

Dear Annelida listers,

Frank Licher successfully completed his Syllidae PhD, "Revision of the 
genus Typosyllis," last year at Osnabrück and has since moved on to the 
world of commerce. His new home address from July is below. He has 
available several reprints on Syllidae, Pilargidae, Hesionidae, for those 
deeply interested & without ready access to the particular journals. The 
papers are detailed below.  

Frank does not have a home e-mail address (which is why I'm doing this on 
his behalf), so the BEST OPTION for Frank at the moment is to fax him at 
his current address (during German daylight hours I would suggest). But 
you can also send post, OR e-mail him via his father:

<Ferdi.Licher at T-Online.de> 

If you e-mail please: 1) create a new message; 2) indicate clearly that the 
message is for son Frank (should I add - remember to include your 
address?). I ask that you DO NOT forward my whole message  with a 'yes 
please, send me all your reprints' tacked on top or bottom.   


  Geoff Read <g.read at niwa.cri.nz>


Frank Licher Current Fax no. +49-(0)541-7120955

Neue Adresse ab 1.07.99:

	Dr Frank Licher
    38165 Lehre
    Windmuehlenweg 24
    Fon:       05308-961530
    Fax:       05308-961531

The papers:

1994 a    Licher, F.: Resurrection of Glyphohesione 
Friedrich, 1950, with redescription of G. klatti 
Friedrich, 1950 and description of G. longocirrata, 
new species (Polychaeta: Hesionidae). - Proceedings of 
the Biological Society of Washington 107(4): 600-608.
1994 b    Licher, F. & Westheide, W.: The phylogenetic 
position of the Pilargidae with a cladistic analysis 
of the taxon - facts and ideas. In: J.-C. Dauvin, L. 
Laubier & D. J. Reish (eds.). Actes de la 4ème 
Conférence international des Polychètes. - Mémoires du 
Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, sér. A 162: 223-
236. (ISBN 2-85652-214-4) 
 1995    Licher, F., Ding, Z., Fiege, D. & Sun, R.: 
Redescription of Typosyllis magnipectinis (Storch, 
1967) from the South China Sea (Polychaeta: Syllidae). 
- Senckenbergiana maritima 25(4/6): 107-113. 
 1996    Licher, F.: Syllides caribica, a new species 
from Aruba, the Netherlands Antilles, with a brief 
discussion of its subfamilial assignment (Polychaeta: 
Syllidae). - Senckenbergiana biologica 76(1/2): 191-
 1997    Licher, F. & Westheide, W.: Review of the 
genus Sigambra (Polychaeta: Hesionidae), redescription 
of S. bassi (Hartman, 1947), and descriptions of two 
new species from Thailand and China. - Steenstrupia 
23: 1-20. 
 1998 a    Ding, Z., Licher, F. & Westheide, W.: New 
and newly assigned species of the genus Dentatisyllis 
(Polychaeta, Syllidae, Syllinae), with comments on the 
reproduction, together with a key and a synoptic table 
of all species of the genus. - Sarsia 83(1): 29-43. 
 1998 b    Licher, F. & Kuper, M.: Typosyllis tyrrhena 
(Polychaeta: Syllidae: Syllinae), a new species from 
the island Elba, Tyrrhenian Sea. - Italian Journal of 
Zoology 65(3): 227-233.  

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