Earthworms in rice fields

CRSP ipm-crsp at mozcom.com
Mon Mar 1 20:05:50 EST 1999

To: All Annelid workers
From: Dr. R.C. Joshi
Senior Research Fellow
Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice)
Maligaya, Muñoz, Nueva Ecija
Fax: (0063) (44) 4560647
e-mail: joshiravi at hotmail.com

Dear Colleagues,

I am a Senior Research Fellow at the Philippine Rice Research Institute
(PhilRice), Maligaya, Nueva Ecija, Philippines.  We are currently doing
research on the earthworms-- which are one of the many causes for erosion in
the Ifugao Rice Terraces (IRT).  Mr. A.I. Muir, Polychaete Research Group,
NHM, UK, recommended me, to contact you all (annelid workers) for the expert
assistance in determination of the earthworm species. 

Based on the farmer surveys conducted by us, the earthworms are the key pest
problem.  They contribute to the loss of water from the terraced fields, as
they bore holes; encourage weed growth, and in the seedbed cause seedlings
to bury and also cause injury to the roots.   Any assistance in this matter
will be acknowledged.  My highest regards to you all-----Dr. R. C. Joshi.

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