for the nomenclature-inclined polychaetologists

Geoff Read gread at actrix.gen.nz
Tue Mar 23 19:07:58 EST 1999

> Why is the family name Flabelligeridae Saint-Joseph 1894 the one in
> current use? Stöp-Bowitz pointed out that Chloraemidae was not to be used
> as Chloreama is a junior synonym of Flabelligera (see also Article 40(b)
> in the Code). But what about Pherusea Grube, 1850 - shouldn't that be name
> to be used (as Pherusidae)??? 

Would it  be relevant that Chloremiens Quatrefages 1849 appears to 
predate Pherusea Grube 1850, thus making Chloraema (or its subjective 
senior synonym) always the type genus?

  Geoff Read <g.read at niwa.cri.nz>

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