Annelid resources news

Geoff Read g.read at niwa.cri.nz
Sun May 9 23:15:07 EST 1999

Hello folks,

I hope you still find the annelida resources web pages useful as a starting 
point. If you have information to get online or know  of links I should have 
then please make contact.  

I regret I don't have  the time to make the pages as comprehensive as I'd 
like, and they are indeed resolutely text-based (I hope to jazz up at least the 
main linking pages soon). Nevertheless  there has been since inception a 
fair accumulation of original  information alongside the external links.   

A reminder that there is an annelid phylogeny page:


Abstracts of recent papers concerning the phylogeny of annelids (by 
Siddall et al., by Rouse, by McHugh & Rouse, and by Rouse & Fauchald) 
have been added. Let me know if I've missed anyone else's contribution.


The Iberian Fauna Project - well worth a look. (A link to the annelida list at 
the above site is on the annelid resources geographic fauna page at 



  Geoff Read <g.read at niwa.cri.nz>

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