Hello folks,
This is a REPEAT of a message sent a couple of days earlier that didn't get
mailed to subscribers (there was distribution problem at Bionet) although
it's on the archive. Web archive users will see the two copies. If we are
back in business there will be other messages to follow.
I hope you still find the annelid resources web pages useful as a starting
point. If you have information to get online or know links I should have then
please make contact. I regret I don't have much time to devote to the
pages, and they are indeed resolutely text-based (I hope to jazz up at least
the main linking pages soon). Nevertheless there has been since inception
a fair accumulation of original information alongside the external links.
A reminder that there is an annelid phylogeny page
Abstracts of recent papers concerning the phylogeny of annelids (by
Siddall et al., by Rouse, by McHugh & Rouse, and by Rouse & Fauchald)
have been added. Let me know if I've missed anyone else's contribution.
The Iberian Fauna Project - well worth a look. (A link to the annelida list at
the above site is on the annelid resources geographic fauna page at
Geoff Read <g.read at niwa.cri.nz>
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