Hello Everybody,
my name is Thomas Wehe, I'm a PhD-Student from the university of
Heidelberg. I'm working on a dissertation about Polychaetes in the
Naturmuseum Senckenberg, Frankfurt a.M. The subject of this work are the
Polychaetes of the Arabian Peninsula.
Now I have some problems to complete the literature about this region.
In detail I'm looking for the following papers:
AZIZ, N. 1950. Polychaetes of the Arabian Sea. Proceedings of the
Pakistan Science Conference 2, 79.
SOKOLOVA, M.N. & PASTERNAK, F.A. 1962. Quantitative distribution of
bottom fauna in the northern parts of the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal.
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 144, 645 - 648.
SOKOLOVA, M.N. & PASTERNAK, F.A. 1962. Quantitative distribution of
bottom fauna in the northern parts of the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal.
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 144, 653 - 655.
SOKOLOVA, M.N. & PASTERNAK, F.A. 1962. Quantitative distribution of
bottom fauna in the northern parts of the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal.
Trudy Inst. Okeanol. 64, 271 - 296.
I would be very thankfull, if anybody could tell me, where I can find
this papers.
<wehe at morph.zoo.uni-heidelberg.de>
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