Ficopomatus - genetics and dispersal

Toril Lønnechen Moen tolomo at nvg.ntnu.no
Mon May 31 04:54:55 EST 1999

Dear Everybody,

My name is Toril Loennechen Moen and I'm working at the Museum of Natural
History and Archaeology in Trondheim, Norway. I'm planning a PhD on the
dispersal of Ficopomatus enigmaticus via ballast water and fouling, both
globally (finding its area of origin!) and more locally (inside Europe). I
intend to use molecular genetics to compare populations from different
localities around the world. 

I'm interested in getting in touch with anyone out there already working
on the genetics of F. enigmaticus (or closely related species/genera).
Also, If there is anyone working on tracking the "dispersal route" of
other polychaetes, I'll be very happy to hear about it and/or to receive
literature-references to published work on the subject. 
Thank you very much!


Toril Loennechen Moen
Museum of Natural History and Archaeology
Department of Natural History
Erling Skakkes gate 47a

Phone: +47 73 597813
Fax: +47 73 592295
e-mail: tolomo at nvg.ntnu.no   or   torilm at stud.ntnu.no 

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