Nereis Re: Last doubts

Alastair Grant A.Grant at uea.ac.uk
Mon Nov 1 14:14:11 EST 1999

In the non-taxonomic literature that I use Nereis caudata is usually 
described as being equivalent to Nereis arenaceodentata.  Assuming that 
they are the same, then this species forms pairs inside the tube, large 
eggs are laid then guarded by the male "for about 3 weeks, at which time 
they have about 18 to 21 setigerous segments" to quote the 20th edition 
of Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater.  

Don Reish is the person to contact for full details.

When you reach the publication stage, I'd be really interested in seeing a
copy of your paper.


Dr. Alastair Grant
School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4
Phone +44 1603 592537
Fax  +44 1603 507 719
Email: A.Grant at uea.ac.uk
WWW pages:  http://www.uea.ac.uk/~e130/ag.htm

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