Owenia wanted

Francesco Paolo Patti fpatti at oeb.harvard.edu
Wed Nov 3 16:01:50 EST 1999

Dear list-ers, I have started a big project based on the comparison of 
different populations of Owenia fusiformis. To do that I'll use a molecular 
marker and so I need a lot of material. If somebody can collect and send 
me O. fusiformis from whatever part of the world I'll be so happy....I need 
animals in absolute alcohol to preserve DNA.  

There is somebody that can help me?


Francesco Paolo
Dr. Francesco Paolo Patti PhD
Harvard Univ Dept of Deb
367 BioLabs (Palumbi LAB)
16 Divinity Ave
Cambridge, MA 02138-2020 USA
<fpatti at oeb.harvard.edu>

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