Freshwater polychaetes from Alaska

Aaron Baldwin jsapb at gci.net
Sat Nov 6 13:38:40 EST 1999

Dear group,

I am in the process of sorting infauna samples from alpine bog ponds in 
Sitka, Alaska, as part of a class project. In nearly every sample we have 
1-3 rather large (20-30 mm) polychaetes. They were collected from 
several ponds at approximately 1000 m elevation. I haven't yet looked 
close to determine family (for this project "Polychaeta" is close enough). 
I plan to take a much more detailed look after the weekend. I am fairly 
sure it's not a nereid. I was wondering if there were good sources of 
information on Alaskan FW annelids, or anyone who would be interested 
in specimens.  I have permission to save the specimens from the ash 
weight section of the project. Thanks in advance - Aaron  

Aaron Baldwin <jsapb at gci.net>

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