The Diplocardia mississippiensis story

Geoff Read gread at actrix.gen.nz
Sat Nov 6 17:18:03 EST 1999

Hi Annelida,

Have you had enough of dry legalese from the Code? Are you sick of 
arguments about Capitellidae by the numbers? Do your DNA extractions 
still refuse to work? Or are you tired and disheartened as wounded Phyla 
sink beneath waves of righteous cladograms? Boy, then have I got a 
different story for you!    

A well-written  tale about worms and their exploitation in the Florida 


The Atlantic Monthly; March 1999; Can of Worms; by Kenneth Brower. 
Volume 283, No.3; pages 91 - 100.  

   Geoff Read <gread at actrix.gen.nz>

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