Nereis caudata

Geoff Read g.read at niwa.cri.nz
Mon Nov 15 21:29:36 EST 1999

> Somewhere here in my files I have a reference that shows that Nereis 
> arenaceodentata Moore, 1903 from New England (type locality = 
> Massachusetts) has a different chromosome number than N. 
> arenaceodentata from California.  This suggests that the Nereididae 
> include a number of cryptospecies that need to be checked VERY 
> carefully.  

Actually some of this has come up before - and Judy had some comments 

See in the ANNELIDA archive for March 1996


some papers are:

Weinberg, J. R., V. R. Starczak, & D. J. Jorg. 1992. Evidence for 
rapid speciation following a founder event in the laboratory.— 
Evolution, 46(4):1214-1220

Rodriguez-Trelles, F., J. R. Weinberg, & F. J. Ayala. 1996. 
Presumptive rapid speciation after a founder event in a laboratory 
population of Nereis - allozyme electrophoretic evidence does not 
support the hypothesis.— Evolution., 50(1):457-461.

Pesch, G. G., & C. E. Pesch. 1980. Chromosome complement of the 
marine worm Neanthes arenaceodentata (Polychaeta: Annelida).— 
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 37(2):286-

Pesch, G. G., C. E. Pesch, & C. Mueller. 1988. Chromosome 
complements from two populations of the marine worm Neanthes 
arenaceodentata (Annelida: Polychaeta).— Ophelia, 28(2):163-167

and the paper mentioned by Sergio:

Weinberg, J. R., V. R. Starczak, C. Mueller, G. C. Pesh, & S. M. 
Lindsay. 1990. Divergence between populations of a monogamous 
polychaete with male parental care: Premating isolation and 
chromosome variation.— Marine Biology (Berlin), 107(2):205-214.

  Geoff Read <g.read at niwa.cri.nz>

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