Owenia fusiformis

Francesco Paolo Patti fpatti at oeb.harvard.edu
Thu Nov 18 15:57:35 EST 1999

Dear list-ers, I would say thanks to all the people that help me to get fresh 
Owenia fusiformis specimens from different areas. Thanks a lot.  

However if there is somebody that have samples of this species preserved 
in alcohol, also oldest material....Can send me something? I'm looking 
mainly for O. fusiformis coming from Atlantic American coasts. Thanks to 
everybody that can help me, Francesco  

Dr. Francesco Paolo Patti, Ph.D.
Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology (Palumbi Lab)
Harvard University
16 Divinity Ave
Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
617/496-8667 phone
617/495-1958 fax
E-mail: fpatti at pop.oeb.harvard.edu

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