Juvenile opercula in Hydroides (Serpulidae)

Dr. M. Nechama Ben-Eliahu nbenelia at cc.huji.ac.il
Mon Nov 22 04:44:54 EST 1999

Hello everybody,

Over several years Harry ten Hove and I have been observing species of 
Hydroides that have  2 different 2-tiered opercula. One of these opercuka 
has 2 simple tiers, and the other has a much more developed operculum. 
For example, one a typical Hydroides minax operculum and the other a 
more simple one. -- Both of these opercula are present on a single 
individual. We described this in a discussion section in Ben-Eliahu & ten 
Hove, 1989, page 393.  

The simpler of these forms has been found in several different Indo-
Pacific species together with the mature form.  

If you have come accross the phenomenon of more than one kind of 2-
tiered opercula in a single specimen of Hydroides  we would welcome 
your additions to this list.  

Thanks in anticipation of your kind attention.


          Nechama Ben-Eliahu and Harry A. ten Hove
          <nbenelia at cc.huji.ac.il>

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