Spio caudatus

Kristian Fauchald Fauchald.Kristian at nmnh.si.edu
Wed Nov 24 15:58:26 EST 1999

Ah the wonders of irregular publications!   In this case, we have two sets of 
them actually.  As Geoff pointed out, Savigny's manuscript was sitting 
around in the Paris Museum for a long time, probably about 10 years 
before it was finally issued in the elephant folios of Description of Egypt.  
Both Lamarck and Cuvier pirated the MS, one more for genera, the other 
more for species (I have no idea why that happened).   

However, Delle Chiaje's papers are also a mess and I do not believe 
anybody has completely cleared out exactly what went on, but the story is 
roughly: Every time Delle Chiaje had enough to print a sheet or so, he had 
that done, and these bits were issued, more or less formally.  Towards the 
end of the particular effort he would collect up the accumulated pages and 
issue them as a book.  He did this twice, first in the 1820's and then in the 
early 1840's.   

Cuvier and Lamarck issued their volumes on worms in 1816 and 1818 and 
may have known about Delle Chiaje's work, but it is unlikely that they saw it. 
There is little in Savigny's finally issued tome to indicate that he had 
modified his MS over time.  It is hardly likely that the type of Delle Chiaje's 
caudata was from anywhere else than somewhere off Napoli.   

Kristian Fauchald

<Fauchald.Kristian at NMNH.SI.EDU>

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