Dates for Delle Chiaje

Andrew.Mackie at nmgw.ac.uk Andrew.Mackie at nmgw.ac.uk
Thu Nov 25 04:23:52 EST 1999

Kristian is certainly correct. The dates for delle Chiaje's 
publications are a mess. However, some help is available.

Carlo Davies Sherbourn, author of the multi part
 "Index Animalium sive index nominum quae ab A.D. MDCCLVIII generibus 
et speciebus animalium imposita sunt" Publ. Trustees of the British 
Museum 1923 (lists all genera and species described 1801-1850)
researched the dates.

On the BMNH copy of Delle Chiaje (1823-1831) Sherbourn has added 
some clarifying notes; in some cases with justification for his comments. 
These are as follows:  

Vol I (Title page dated 1823) "CDS: pp. 1-84  1823, pp. 1-184  1824.  
see Isis 1832, p. 541"  Note that volume I page numbers do not run in 
one sequence!  

Vol II (Title page dated 1825) "CDS: pp. 1-224 (?)  1825, pp 225-end  

Vol III (Title page dated 1828) "CDS: 1828 appears to be correct for this 

Vol IV (Title page dated 1829) "CDS: 1829 for this vol. is wrong. On p. 29 
Cuvier, Regne Anim. III ed 2 is quoted this is 1830. I believe the proper 
collation is pp. 1-116  1830, 117-214  1831 as Chiaje especially mentions 
Schultze's MS on p. viii"  For those without access to the publication the 
reference to Schultz is  

Schultz (A.W.F) D.M. in Berlino. Osservazioni mss. del suo viaggi fatto 
nelle due Sicilie negli anni 1830 e 31.  

There is also a slim Vol. V of plates only. This is dated 1830, but I do not 
know if this is correct or not.  

Andy Mackie
Dr Andrew S.Y. Mackie
Head of Marine Biodiversity Section
Department of Biodiversity
 and Systematic Biology (BioSyB)
National Museum of Wales
Cathays Park
Cardiff CF10 3NP

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