Apologies for giving the date for Sherborn (not Sherbourn) as 1823.
In fact there were 33 parts published between 1922 and 1933.
Further, on p. xxxvii of Part I. Introduction, Bibliography and Index
A-Aff. pp. 1-128 (1922) Sherborn gives the dates for Delle Chiaje as
"Chiaje, S. della. Mem. Anim. vertebre Regno Napoli. 4 vols. (5 & 6 never
publ.). 4to. Nap. 1823-31. [Dates: I, pp. 1-84, 1823; -184, 1824; II, 185-
224, 1825; -444, 1827; III, 1-232, 1828; IV, 1-116, 1830; -214, 1831; pls.
70-109, of which text never appeared, 1830, are listed in Isis, 1836, 291,
and were renumbered and used in Chiaje, Descr. e Notom. 1841-44.]
--- Elminth. umana. 8vo. Nap. 1825. [Ed. 2, 1833; ed. 4, 1844.]
--- Descr. e Notom. Anim. invert. Sicilia. 4to. Nap. 1841-44. [Vols. I-V
(1841) & VIII (ends p. 48, 1844); text & vols. V & VI, pls. 1-173 (1841) &
pls. 174-181 (1844).]"
In the last reference there appears to be no vol. VII, however vol. V is
mentioned twice. I do not know if the "text & vols. V & VI" is an error and
should perhaps be "text & vols. VI & VII"? Unfortunately I do not have
access to this publication. Someone who does could usefully check their
Andy Mackie
Dr Andrew S.Y. Mackie
Head of Marine Biodiversity Section
Department of Biodiversity
and Systematic Biology (BioSyB)
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