Dates for Delle Chiaje

Petersen, Mary Elizabeth (MSX) MEPetersen at zmuc.ku.dk
Thu Nov 25 15:59:35 EST 1999

Since Andy corrected the last name, this correction is even more minor. Andy

	Carlo Davies Sherbourn, author of the multi part 	 "Index Animalium 
sive index nominum quae ab A.D. MDCCLVIII generibus 	et speciebus 
animalium imposita sunt" Publ. Trustees of the British 	Museum 1923 (lists 
all genera and species described 1801-1850) researched the dates.  

At least in the earlier 1902 part (genera and species described 1758-1800),
the compiler's correct name in the version (Latinized?) on the title page is
Carolo Davies Sherborn, with one more "o" in his first name. This first
volume is very useful for the earliest literature even if the references are
very abbreviated. 


Mary E. Petersen
Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen
mepetersen at zmuc.ku.dk

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