>Please. Where can I get info. about the Palouse worm of Washington
>state that grows up to 18 inches long? Thanks.
>>jdmeissner at aol.com
There is not much information to get. It is called Driloleirus americanus. It
lives in the Palouse area in grassland and shrublands, and has been found
so far near Ellensburg WA, Pullman WA, Clarkston WA and Lewiston ID. It
makes fairly deep burrows, it eats a diet rich in organic matter, and is
endangered or threatened, so don't go out digging them up.
The regional authorities on the worm and others from the Pacific NW are
W. Michael Fender and his mother, Dorothy McKey-Fender. She is at 835
Ashwood Avenue, McMinnville, OR.
If you need any further help and cannot contact the Fenders, let me know.
~ Sam James ~
~ Dept. of Biology ~
~ Maharishi Univ. of Mgmt. ~
~ 1000 N. 4th St. FM 1056 ~
~ Fairfield, IA 52557 ~
~ sjames at mum.edu ~
~ 515-472-1146 ~
~ Systematics and Ecology ~
~ of Earthworms ~
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