French student asking for information on Nereis diversicolor

joachim sandrine sandrine_joachim at hotmail.com
Sun Aug 6 18:14:06 EST 2000


I am a French graduate student working on the distribution of 
macrobenthos, mainly Nereis diversicolor and Chironomidae, in a shallow 
water brackish lagoon (water depth <60 cm) situated in the Baie de Somme 
(North of France near Abbeville). I have read many articles regarding these 
productive ecosystems which have helped me to understand their structure 
and ecological functions. I have taking the liberty of writing to you as I 
would like to obtain some advance on the subject.   

The goal of my research is to establish the relationships between infauna 
biomass and water depth in order to determine the proportion that is 
available to waders. Waders have been decreasing in this area and I would 
like to determine if it because of sufficant biomass or because of its 
unavailibility. Depending on my results I will then propose some 
management improvements which would be beneficially to both infauna and 
waders. I have gathered information from previous studies on the effects of 
water depth on Chironomidae distribution but I lack information on Nereis 
diversicolor.Would you be able to help me on this? I am looking for 
information regarding the effects of water depth on ragworm distributions. 
If so, I would be very grateful if you could share that information with me. I 
thank you in advance for your help Please expect my best regards.  

Yours Sincerely, Sandrine Joachim  

<sandrine_joachim at hotmail.com>

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