R Wilson's e-address?

Geoff Read g.read at niwa.cri.nz
Tue Aug 8 20:31:35 EST 2000

Fred Pleijel sent this message to the list.

> Would anyone have an up-to-date e-address to Robin Wilson (maybe Robin
> himself;-) - the ones I've tried don't seem to work. Thanks/Fredrik

<pleijel at cimrs1.mnhn.fr>

1) Fred's own address above in the recent past did not 'work' for replies  - 
hence this public message and warning to  the rest of you (& maybe Fred 
& his network admins if there's not an obvious reason/outage known to 

2) I don't know what Fred tried but <rwilson at mov.vic.gov.au> still worked 
for me a month or so ago.  However, I suspect it should be 
<rwilson at museum.vic.gov.au> and have updated the PRO page today.  
This may or may not be still aliased to the older form of the address (it 
b'well ought to be - that sort of IT admin shortsightedness drives me crazy). 


  Geoff Read <g.read at niwa.cri.nz>

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