Oweniidae and Flabelligeridae in NW Atlantic

Trevor Baker t.baker at cordah.co.uk
Wed Aug 9 06:19:39 EST 2000

A series of macrobenthic samples are currently being collected from the 
Faroe-Shetland Channel to the West and North of Shetland, U.K. and as 
with previous surveys in this region I shall be processing the polychaete 
component.  Previous sample sets (from depths of 100m - 2,200m) have 
thown up many identification uncertainties. The Oweniidae and 
Flabelligeridae in particular, amongst many other families, are culprits of 
containing several taxa that I am unable to name.  Consequently this time 
round I hope to determine where shortfalls in identification, particularly 
with respect to these two families, are a consequence of gaps in my 
collection of the literature and truly undescribed species.  Any 
references that could help would be gratefully recieved.  

Trevor Baker
Senior Environmental Consultant
Cordah Limited
Doherty Building
Pentlands Science Park
Nr Edinburgh
EH26 0PZ
Tel: +44 (0) 131 445 6183    Fax: +44 (0) 131 445 6110
t.baker at cordah.co.uk
Website: http://www.cordah.co.uk/

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