Worm casting- insect control

Rob robblakemore at bigpond.com
Thu Aug 10 16:49:53 EST 2000

I have reports from US that vermicast reduces phylloxerated vines.  There 
is an argument that using such organic composts increases plant health 
and natural defences.   There is anecdotal evidence of reduction of some 
other pest damage, but I think there's not much published work.  

Regards, Rob  

<robblakemore at bigpond.com>

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Steven P. Thompson 
  To: annelida at net.bio.net 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 8:51 AM
  Subject: Worm casting- insect control

  I have heard that addition of worm castings can aid in control of certain 
  insect pests.  Do you know of anyone who might know about this?  

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