Address to Sebastian Rainer

Fredrik Pleijel pleijel at cimrs1.mnhn.fr
Sun Aug 13 16:54:01 EST 2000

Sorry to bother you once again - this time I'm trying to locate Sebastian 
Rainer. I tried the address <<rainer at marine.csiro.au>> but it bounced. 
Anyone can help me? (maybe it's something special with Australian-French 

Fredrik Pleijel
Biologie des Invertébrés marins, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle
57, rue Cuvier
75231 Paris Cedex 05
tel: 33(0)1 40 79 31 12
fax: 33(0)1 40 79 31 09
<pleijel at cimrs1.mnhn.fr>

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