Can of Worms

Petersen, Mary Elizabeth (MSX) MEPetersen at zmuc.ku.dk
Wed Aug 16 17:28:10 EST 2000

Wednesday, 16 August 2000

Dear Colleagues,

My apologies for not getting this off sooner - I forgot it had not been

For those of you who haven't yet discovered it, our Annelid Resources site
is one of those singled out by NetWatch in a recent issue of Science (vol.
289, no. 5479, 28 July 2000). For more details see the following url.



SITE VISIT: Can of Worms

Hooked on earthworms, Charles Darwin whiled away months watching the 
slippery creatures mate and mine, even noting their reaction (indifference) 
when his family played different musical instruments. Keep abreast of what 
Darwin's successors have discovered about annelids--the segmented 
worms that include earthworms, leeches, and bristly marine worms called 
polychaetes--with the Annelid Resources page. Created by New Zealand 
taxonomist Geoff Read and hosted by the University of New Orleans, the 
site provides researchers with the latest on annelid taxonomy, ecology, and 

The 4-year-old site includes an annelid discussion group, an annotated 
bibliography of recent papers on worm phylogeny, a directory of worm 
experts, and geographical taxonomic lists for some of the 9000 annelid 
species. Adding context are a list of annelid papers dating back to 1705, 
book reviews, and biographies of famous worm researchers. Read has 
also tossed in some fun diversions. No annelid page would be complete 
without photos of engorged leeches feasting on human blood. You can also 
download a clip from the 1990 film Tremors, in which man-eating worms 
pursue Kevin Bacon. Join an online expedition to visit stands of deep-sea 
tubeworms, or "ice worms" prospering on slabs of frozen methane.  



Congratulations, Geoff! And many thanks for all your efforts to keep us
among the better informed specialists!


Mary E. Petersen
Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen
Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark
Tel +45-35 32 10 67 - Fax +45-35 32 10 10
E-mail: mepetersen at zmuc.ku.dk


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