Address for Judy Gobin

Petersen, Mary Elizabeth (MSX) MEPetersen at zmuc.ku.dk
Thu Aug 24 16:41:56 EST 2000

Thursday, 24 August 2000

Dear Colleagues,

Does anyone have a current e-mail address for Judy Gobin, Institute of 
Marine Affairs, Chaguaramas, Trinidad & Tobago? I have tried to contact 
her at gobi at ima.gov.tt, which is the address in the Curitiba conference 
program, but the mail bounced with "the recipient name is not recognized 
... user unknown", and neither PRO nor www.google.com  have another 
version. Judy appears to have been at the above address as of last year - 
has the address changed?  

Thanks in advance for any help.


Dr. Mary E. Petersen
Assistant Editor, Steenstrupia
Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen
Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark
Tel +45-35 32 10 67 - Fax +45-35 32 10 10
E-mail: mepetersen at zmuc.ku.dk


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