Hello folks,
A word to everybody - People don't subscribe to ANNELIDA to see the
questions - what they're interested in are the answers. So remember
ANNELIDA replies now don't go to the list address by default - you have to
make the effort to include the address in your reply header. The value of
this group is in its sharing and refining of useful information communicated
amongst us all. And a quick public answer might save time of several others
thinking of replying privately. So please post to the list if you can.
Questioners also have a responsibility to _consider_ sharing the private
answers as appropriate - perhaps in very condensed form or perhaps
some quotes in a summary (anonymised authors unless you're certain you
have permission to identify them). Forget the polite "thank you" sent to the
list - we much prefer the facts.
Remember also ANNELIDA is a _discusssion_ list. Let's have some
genuine friendly debate now and then.
Administrivia: The only essential items in a signature are your name and e-
mail address. The rest is (forgive me) dross. So, always, always, always
sign off by including your e-mail address. If you don't then I'll do it for you.
And I'm a connoisseur of good descriptive subject headers too. Make me
happy and use one. Finally, I'm sure you would take the trouble to quote
only the relevant part of a previous post if it were possible. Thanks for your
By the way, if puzzled that your posting was not circulated you should first
check carefully it was indeed sent to the list (most likely the problem), and
secondly, that on close re-examination, it made the grade as a worthwhile
communication destined to be read by several hundred people, and is not a
personal embarrassment you'd rather not have sent. I like to think I am
fairly liberal in deciding this, and so anything that looks like it's relevant and
took more than 15 seconds to compose will probably be circulated.
Homily over. Thanks for listening.
Best regards to you all,
ANNELIDA moderator (and spam killer)
Geoff Read <g.read at niwa.cri.nz>
Discuss = <annelida at net.bio.net> = talk to all members
Server = <biosci-server at net.bio.net> = un/subscribes
Archives = http://www.bio.net/hypermail/annelida/
Resources = http://biodiversity.uno.edu/~worms/annelid.html