Printing labels

Angel de Leon jadeleon at ccr.dsi.uanl.mx
Mon Jan 24 16:14:55 EST 2000

As a member of the third word, we need implement some technics, in the 
case of the labels for the collection, we used simple bond paper printed by 
a Hewlett Packard  Laserjet printer, then is necessary put the printed paper 
into a microwave by 1 min. I have labels in use from 1990, and the 
characters are clear.  


Angel de Leon
                                  Dr. Jesus Angel de Leon-Gonzalez
 ________ _   _    _   Laboratorio de Zoología de Invertebrados No Artropoda
|__  /_ _| \ | |  / \           Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon
  / / | ||  \| | / _ \           Facultad de Ciencias Biologicas
 / /_ | || |\  |/ ___ \       Ciudad Universitaria, Ap. Postal 5 "F",
/____|___|_| \_/_/   \_\          San Nicolas de los Garza, N.L.
                                          CP 66451 MEXICO
                                 E-mail: jadeleon at ccr.dsi.uanl.mx     
                                  Tel: 376-39-23  Fax: 352-42-45 
                                Tel. Sabinas Hidalgo: (8) 242 5553 

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