Ficopomatus & Fauna of Australia

Geoff Read g.read at niwa.cri.nz
Wed Jun 14 21:59:30 EST 2000

Dear colleagues,

Writing a complex article is a nightmare - check this, check that, and still 
the errors manage to slip through. Perfection eludes  always.  

Since the Fauna of Australia book is likely to be considerably quoted I 
should like to respectfully disagree with  statements on p.189:  

1) "... no foreign serpulids have become established in Australia as yet; 
reports of European species such as Hydroides norvegicus and 
Ficopomatus enigmaticus in Australian waters are  erroneous."  

F. enigmaticus occurs in Australia. Whether it is foreign or not to Australia 
is open to (another) question, but it is a fact that the most numerous 
records come from southern Europe and the Mediterranean. [Once I 
inclined to the view that the Oz occurrences were unassisted, but these 
days I tend to be more suspicious it is an alien to Australia. Hope someone 
finds out one day.].   

2) "... in revising the genus Ficopomatus the existence of numerous 
'cosmopolitan' serpulid species has been shown to be false (ten Hove &  
Weerdenburg 1978)."

This is less important, but I don't think any of 4 of the species concerned 
were  claimed elsewhere as cosmopolitan. The fifth is F. enigmaticus, 
which in truth, and assuming no one is about to subdivide it, does get 
around a bit on several continents, and thus is as suave a cosmopolitan as 
you might meet. I can't see any statement about  cosmopolitan species in 
the quoted source.    


  Geoff Read <g.read at niwa.cri.nz>

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