Hello folks,
Are there any of the more sophisticated anaesthetics that anyone has
found particularly good with annelids? Not too long ago on another list the
drug novocaine was mentioned as good for many invertebrates if the 'right
concentration' was used, which sounds a bit trial and error. Then there's
MS222 and benzocaine. Has anyone any enthusiasm for them? Are they
worth the expense? I'm looking to immobilise in a natural position for
photography without flash, so don't want powders drifting in the water, and
prefer a fast-acting substance. Magnesium chloride soln is the standard
cheap & easy immobilising agent against which one would measure the
others. (I don't think it stops cilia beating as readily as it stops muscle
action, or does it?)
I hope there's some expertise out there.
yrs curiously,
Geoff Read <g.read at niwa.cri.nz>
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