I have about 12 copies of the 1979 Smaldon and Lee reference in my
room. If anyone would like a copy let me know.
Another effective method not mentioned in the above reference is
carbonated sea water. I use an ordinary soda siphon (the type used for
making soda to go with your whisky), fill it with sea water, then squirt the
carbonated water into a tray containing sea water and the polychaetes.
The length of time to relax depends on which group of polychaetes are
involved and the amount of carbonated sea water.
Afterwards the soda siphon is not much good for whisky and sodas but it
is a small price to pay for an effective solution.
Susan Chambers
National Museums of Scotland
Chambers Street
Tel: 0131 247 4247
Fax: 0131 220 4819
Email: s.chambers at nms.ac.uk
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