
Wormlab wormlab at hawaii.edu
Thu Nov 9 23:35:22 EST 2000

Hi there,

I am wondering if anyone out there working on polychaetes has any recent 
(last 10 years) information about the family Spintheridae.  The most recent 
paper I have is from 1985 by Yamamoto and Imajima.  I have also read the 
1948 paper by Hartman.  I am interested in finding illustrations to compare 
specimens to as well as species descriptions.  I would appreciate any help 
you can give, especially for those species with a smooth ventrum.  Thanks 
in advance. Aloha!! 

Jenny Dreyer  

The Wormlab
Dr. Julie Brock, Professor
Department of Zoology
University of Hawaii
Honolulu, HI 96822

<wormlab at hawaii.edu>

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