Jenny Dreyer:
> I am wondering if anyone out there working on polychaetes has any recent
> (last 10 years) information about the family Spintheridae. The most recent
> paper I have is from 1985 by Yamamoto and Imajima. I have also read the
> 1948 paper by Hartman. I am interested in finding illustrations to compare
> specimens to as well as species descriptions.
I suspect this is a case where, if it's worthwhile to make the effort for the
purpose, your net will need to be cast further back than the last ten
years, probably right back to the original descriptions - of which there
are not many to go through. George & Hartmann-Schroder (1985 -
Synopses of the British Fauna 32) reprint illustrations of several
European species.
However, have you checked Triton, Biosis's web search engine for
names in Zoological Record? It returns the ZR volume no's in which a
genus is recorded (for the period since, I think, 1978).
-- Geoff Read < at>
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