7IPCI Grants

Elin Sigvaldadottir elins at ni.is
Thu Nov 16 15:38:02 EST 2000

Grants for students and young scientists

The Organizing Committée of the 7. International Polychaete Conference
is pleased to announce that UNESCO Participating Program has granted
funds for graduate students and younger scientists (<35 years) from
Asia, Africa, South America and Eastern Europe to attend the Conference
and the Post Conference Course. These grants can fully or partially cover
travel expense, basic accommodation, conference fee and course fee.
Further information about the conference and course can be found
on: http://www.nattfs.is/7IPCI/

The application should be send to Elín Sigvaldadóttir (elins at ni.is)
preferably by E-mail not later than 1 of February 2001 and should contain
the following information:

Institute (Full address)
Fax number
Year of birth
Academic status
Description of a research project (one page)
List of published papers
Name of supervisor or Head of Division
Title of poster/oral presentation
Post conference course - Title and description of project
Other relevant information
Expenses applied for:
	Roundtrip airfare
	Accommodations during the Conference
	Conference fee
	Post Conference fee

 Results of selection process will be announced by 15 March 2001.

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