(Fwd from Don Reish) Publication of the 6th IPC

Geoff Read g.read at niwa.cri.nz
Mon Nov 20 04:57:47 EST 2000

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From:           	DJReish at aol.com
Date sent:      	Mon, 20 Nov 2000 00:47:56 EST
Subject:        	Publication of the 6th
To:             	g.read at niwa.cri.nz

Hi Geoff,

I would appreciate it if you would  put out on the web that the 
proceedings of the 6th polychaete conference came out around Nov. 1.  
Lead authors of published papers will receive a copy from the Bulletin of 
marine science.  First authors of published abstracts will receive a copy 
from me.  This will take some time to address them, etc.  Please email me 
if you have a change of mailing address.   

The proceedings look great except they spelled my name as Reisch -- I 
would appreciate it if anyone who is citing Lana and me as editors that 
they would spell my name as Reish.  


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