Obtaining a copy of the 6th IPC proceedings

Geoff Read g.read at niwa.cri.nz
Tue Nov 21 17:05:30 EST 2000

Priority:       	normal

Hi Annelida folk,

I've checked with Prof Sam Snedaker. The Brazilian 6th International 
Polychaete Proceedings isssue  in Bulletin of Marine Science is available 
for individual purchase as below. Same cost as the 5th IPC, but a couple of 
dollars extra on postage this time. Delivery is by airmail. A very good deal 
I'd say!   

The 1998 Polychaete Conference, Bulletin of Marine Science issue is 
available from:  

The Editorial Office
Bulletin of Marine Science
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science
4600 Rickenbacker Causeway
Miami, Florida 33149-1098 USA

Price: $35.00 plus $7.00 handling and shipping

The 1998 Polychaete Conference issue will be shipped upon receipt of a 
check or money order for $42.00 made payable in U.S. dollars.  

Again: note that PREPAYMENT is required. No mention of credit cards, 
therefore no e-mail orders are possible as far as I know. Outside of the 
USA all you need do is visit your local bank's international currency dept, 
get a US$42 bankdraft made out to credit of the Bulletin, and post it off with 
your letter.          

  Geoff Read <g.read at niwa.cri.nz>

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