Hello folks,
I've updated pro.zip, the paper-printable version of the online web annelid
researcher addresses and it may be downloaded from the page:
The address list has evolved as a polychaetologist list mainly - hence
we're stuck with the acronym PRO - but other annelid workers are most
welcome to submit their details. Some already have.
Don't forget you can search for people with a particular research interest
using the main site PICO search facility on Annelid Resources home
page. There is a little trick to restricting the search to the address files -
include in the search the words "previous address" (in quotes) followed
by AND and the subject keyword.
Geoff Read <gread at actrix.gen.nz>
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Archives = http://www.bio.net/hypermail/annelida/
Resources = http://biodiversity.uno.edu/~worms/annelid.html