ETI's W.T.D. Re: Annelid researcher addresses

Geoff Read g.read at niwa.cri.nz
Tue Nov 28 17:16:09 EST 2000

As well as in Annelid resources' PRO listing those of us who have 
taxonomist skills might like to consider registering at ETI's world taxonomist 
database (WTD). They are seemingly having a recruiting drive at the 
moment. The data entry is ad lib and not vetted.  Looks good.   


Also for aquatic researchers generally there is Glodir at IOC UNESCO. 
This one is password controlled for updates:  


If you haven't signed on to those yet and want to be found easily when 
someone comes looking give them a go.  Harm is unlikely to come to you 
as a result - no deluge of spam or unwanted weirdness will occur in your 
mail. Of course if you  are quite satisfied with your current visibility status  
don't bother.            

  Geoff Read <g.read at niwa.cri.nz>

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