
Roisin Nash roisin.nash at nuigalway.ie
Mon Sep 4 17:15:18 EST 2000

Dear Annelid members,

I am studying the reproductive cycle of a sabellid Bispiravolutacornis which 
I found to have extraovarian oogenesis with  one exception. One sabellid 
was found with follicle cells in the epithelial lining of the gut. This particular 
polychaete was also seen to have oocytes developing within the coelom, 
often in close association with blood vessels. I am curious to know if 
anyone has come across or read similar predicaments with other 
polychaetes. Any information would be greatly appreciated.  

    Thanking you in advance,
    Róisín Nash

<roisin.nash at nuigalway.ie>

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