Hi Damien
If you click on the "references" icon on the following web page you will get
a list of papers (mostly by Hannelore Paxton) that should help:
Although those web pages have not been updated for some time, the
DELTA databases referred to have been considerably developed, and will
be published in 2001 on a CD, probably by CSIRO Publishing.
I don't know about quantitative sampling of beachworms, though. Unless
you have a dredge the size of a house that could be tricky.
bye, Robin
<rwilson at museum.vic.gov.au>
> From: Damien McKeering[SMTP:dmckee10 at scu.edu.au]
> Sent: Wednesday, 6 September 2000 11:57 AM
> To: annelida at net.bio.net> Subject: Beachworms in Australia
>> My name is Damien McKeering, and I am conducting a survey of Beachworms in
> Northern N.S.W in Australia. I have a number of questions in regard to my
> study. Is there any literature on beachworm ID as there are 6 species of
> beachworm and I can't tell them apart?I know how to catch the worms but
> which method should I use to sample the worms? Should it be random
> transects or something else? Thank you in advance for your responses.
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