
Harry A. ten Hove hove at bio.uva.nl
Wed Sep 6 17:05:15 EST 2000

Dear Róisín Nash, and others who may be interested,

Apologies for this delayed reaction, but I have been out of the running for
a few weeks.

At 23:15 4-9-00 +0100, you wrote:

> I am studying the reproductive cycle of a sabellid Bispiravolutacornis
> which I found to have extraovarian oogenesis with  one exception. One
> sabellid was found with follicle cells in the epithelial lining of the
> gut. This particular polychaete was also seen to have oocytes developing
> within the coelom, often in close association with blood vessels. I am
> curious to know if anyone has come across or read similar predicaments
> with other polychaetes. Any information would be greatly appreciated.  
>    Thanking you in advance,
>    Róisín Nash

Recently Kupriyanova, Nishi, ten Hove & Rzhavsky have been working on a 
review of serpulid reproduction (manuscript stage). We briefly touched 
upon similar things in serps. You may want to consult the following papers, 
which may direct you to further literature regarding the subject:  

Clark R.B. & Olive, P.J.W. 1973. Recent advances in polychaete 
endocrinology and reproductive biology. Oceanography and Marine 
Biology: an Annual Review 11, 176-223.  

Di Grande, F. & Sabelli, B. 1973. Prime osservazioni sulla sessualità del 
polichete serpulide Mercierella enigmatica Fauvel. Atti della'Accademia 
Nazionale dei Lincei, Rendiconti Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e 
Naturali. 53, 173-177.  

Dixon, D.R. 1981. Reproductive biology of the serpulid Ficopomatus 
(Mercierella) enigmaticus in the Thames estuary, S. E. England. Journal of 
the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 61, 805-815.  

Rullier, F. 1955. Développement du serpulien Mercierella enigmatica 
Fauvel. Vie et Milieu 6, 225-240.  

Schenk, S.L. 1875. Entwickelungsvorgänge im Eichen von Serpula nach 
der künstlichen Befruchtung. Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserliche Akademie 
für Wissenschaften Wien (math. nat. Classe) 70, Abt. III, 287-300.  

Schroeder, P.C., & C.O. Hermans, 1975.- Annelida : Polychaeta. pp. 1-
213, 31 figs in: A.C. Giese & J.S. Pearse (eds). Reproduction of marine 
invertebrates. 3. Annelids and Echiurans. New York, etc., 1975, xii + 343 
pp., 71 figs.  

Vuillemin, S. 1965. Contribution à l'étude écologique du lac de Tunis. 
Biologie de Mercierella enigmatica Fauvel. Thesis, Paris, A 4622 (5469), 
554 pp.  

A nice chance to practice your linguistic skills,


dr. Harry A. ten Hove
Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics
Zoological Museum
POB 94766, 1090 GT, Amsterdam
the Netherlands
tel. +31205256906
<hove at bio.uva.nl>

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