Mark J. Grygier

Linda Ward Ward.Linda at NMNH.SI.EDU
Thu Sep 7 16:47:35 EST 2000

Mark Grygier can be found at the following address:

Lake Biwa Museum
Oroshimo 1091
Kusatsu, Siga
525 Japan

email: grygier at lbm.go.jp

Ms. Linda A. Ward
Department of Invertebrate Zoology
Museum of Natural History
10th St. and Constitution Ave., N.W.
Washington, DC 20560-0163

fax: (202)357-3043

email: ward.linda at nmnh.si.edu

>>> Alexander Tzetlin <sasha at atzetlin.home.bio.msu.ru> 09/07/00 12:05AM >>>

> Dear Colleagues,

> I need current address of Mark J. Grygier

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