Nereis diversicolor

Pedro Fidalgo e Costa pfidalgo at fc.ul.pt
Wed Sep 13 17:31:04 EST 2000

Dear Folks,

I'm almost finishing my PhD Thesis on Nereis diversicolor. After very 
interesting discussion on Nereis, Neathes and Hediste taxonomic 
classification, ocurred in 1998 at Annelida list. I would like to know if Robin 
Wilson cladistic analysis has already been published.  

Thanks in advance
Pedro Fidalgo e Costa
Invited Assistant 
Department of Zoology
Faculty of Sciences
University of Lisbon/Portugal
IMAR- Institute of Marine Research
Guia Marine Laboratory
Tel. +351.214869211
Fax +351.214869720
e-mail: pfidalgo at fc.ul.pt 
homepage of the Lab.: http://www.fc.ul.pt/centros/lmg

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