hi folks,
Anybody working on clitellates? i need a taxonomic key to identify a worm i
ran into. it looks like the common earthworm, however i got it in a
freshwater habitat. the worm is described as follows: body length ranging
from 45-60 mm; number of segments range from 80-105; length of each
segment is 0.56 mm; clitellum which range from 1.5 to 3.0 mm in length is
present between the 12th-14th segments of mature individuals. i collected it
in a riffle area whose substrate is composed mainly of sand and fine
sediments. i also need to know the reference/source/citations of the
Anybody working on nereids? i also ran into one of them. All i need is a
description of the Family Nereidae including its morphology, niche and
feeding habits. pls also include the sources/references/citations of such
If it's not too much to ask, i need the information the soonest time possible.
Thank you and more power!
Respectfully yours,
Abe Montejo
<abe_montejo at hotmail.com>
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